Specialized Pitch Vs. Rockhopper Bike: Which One To Pick?

Specialized is the brand that will serve you with one of the best bikes. The trickiest thing is choosing one bike from their vast array of products because the quality is the same for all.

With Specialized Pitch vs. Rockhopper, the purpose is the most significant difference. Pitch is more of a hybrid bike that you can use for trails and pavements. But Rockhopper is a solid sports trail bike.

Apart from the purpose, several other differences may come in handy when choosing one. To learn about those features, you will need to dive into the comparison details for these bikes.

So, let’s not waste any more time and get right into the depths of these two bikes from Specialized.

A Quick Comparison Table

Wheel size29”27.5”
Frame materialA1 AlloyA1 premium aluminum
ChainAnti-corrosion coatingAnti-rust coating
PricingPricierA bit cheaper
Best suited forMountain biking, trailingHybrid

Key Differences Between Rockhopper And Pitch Bikes

  • Wheel Size
Specialized Pitch Bike
Specialized Pitch Bike

Here’s the thing: the wheel size will vary significantly based on the model you choose.

But in general, you will notice a difference in wheel size with the bikes that perform almost the same.

Rockhopper tends to have a larger wheel size. So, for example, in the 2020 Rockhopper model, you get a wheel size of 29″.

It’s comparatively larger than the wheel size of Pitch 27.5″, which is the Pitch version that came out in 2020.

While both have a similar build and features throughout the other factors, they differ in wheel size. So, if someone had to choose between a Rockhopper and Pitch in 2020, they would consider wheel size as a factor.

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  • Frame Material

Once again, the factor will vary significantly based on the different models from the product lines. I will be comparing the 2020 models from Rockhopper and Pitch here.

With Rockhopper 2020, you get an A1 alloy frame. Since the alloy is a lighter metal variant, you can expect good weight on the bike.

But, at the same time, an alloy is quite strong, so you end up with a lightweight and strong motorcycle when you go with Rockhopper 2020.

For the Pitch 2020 bikes, you will get an A1 aluminum frame. Aluminum is an excellent choice for bike frames because they are also lightweight and durable. But the best part is that they are stiff as well. Also, aluminum is a sole component, so it’s much purer than alloy.

Comparing the two frame choices, I don’t think you will have trouble with either. Both serve a definite purpose. If you like a lighter bike, go with Rockhopper, and if you want a sturdier bike go with Pitch.

  • Chain

Well, there is nothing much to discuss about the material or the type of chain these bikes use. As they come from the same brand, the quality is pretty much the same for both.

However, the kind of resistance and protection on each chain are different.

With the Rockhopper bikes, you will encounter a chain that provides excellent corrosion resistance. A corrosion-resistant chain makes sure no matter what situation you go through; the chain will not rust whatsoever.

On the other hand, the Pitch bikes have anti-rust features on their chains. This feature can be beneficial if you live in an area with a lot of moisture because the chains can quickly get rusty when there is too much moisture around you, especially when you are not riding your bike.

Choosing one or the other comes down to what you need. If you suffer from rusting problems, go with Pitch bikes. If you find your bike chains corroding, go with the Rockhopper. 

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  • Best Suited For
Rockhopper Sport Bike
Rockhopper Sport Bike

One of the critical factors in choosing between Pitch and Rockhopper is getting the bike.

The other factors I have discussed till now can vary a lot depending on the model you choose.

But this is a factor that you can generalize for all the bikes in that product line.

Usually, Specialized makes pitch bikes a hybrid choice. You can use them for moderate trailing or mountain biking. At the same time, you can use them for pavements and straight paths.

The bikes work out quite well in both scenarios. However, Pitch bikes aren’t dedicated to either of these purposes. So, you can call it an all-around bike.

In contrast, Rockhopper is a solely dedicated bike for trailing. It’s one of the best mountain bikes you can get for sports trailing. All the features you get to see in the Rockhopper bikes always meet the needs of a sport trail bike.

Keeping it short, if you want a dedicated trail bike that you want to use for competing, then go for Rockhopper. But if it’s a bike that you want to ride in general, I would suggest going with Pitch bikes. 

  • Pricing

Now, if the purpose of the bike doesn’t help you make a decision, you can get into the pricing. Even though there is very little difference, it can be worth checking out.

Rockhopper tends to be a tad bit more expensive in pricing than Pitch. That’s how it goes. Since Rockhopper specializes in a specific criterion and can potentially get professional use for mountain biking, it will cost a bit more.

In addition, the materials and components used for the bikes are a little better and more expensive.

Comparatively, Pitch bikes are more suited for regular riders. As a result, a higher price will not be the best move with these bikes because no one will spend too much money on a bike for riding in general.

So, when it comes to saving money, Pitch will undoubtedly be your primary choice.

Which One Is A Better Pick For You?

Cutting right to the chase, for a professional or someone aspiring to go professional in mountain biking, Rockhopper is the clear pick. But if you are looking for a bike to ride in general, you will find Pitch more suitable.

It’s cheaper and more versatile at the same time.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the difference between Pitch and Rockhopper?

The main difference is the purpose each of the bikes meets. Pitch bikes are great for entertainment purposes and casual rides. But Rockhopper is dedicated to mountain trailing.

Is the specialized Pitch a trail bike?

Even though Specialized Pitch isn’t a dedicated trail bike, you can sometimes use them for the trail. But that’s for recreational purposes and not professional trailing.

What is the Specialized Rockhopper for?

Specialized Rockhopper is a dedicated mountain bike. They meet all the professional needs of mountain biking.

Does the Specialized Rockhopper have a dropper post?

No, Specialized Rockhopper doesn’t have a dropper post.


In concluding the discussion, finding the perfect pick between Specialized Pitch and Rockhopper is considering your purpose. You have to think about what you want to do with your bike.

For professional mountain bikers or anyone who wants to get the best mountain biking experience, Rockhopper is the way to go. It serves the purpose much better.

But if you don’t have anything specific like that and want a bike that you can ride almost everywhere, then go with Pitch. As you can see, it’s about what you want to do with the bikes.

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