Autostop Eliminator Problems And Is It Worth It?

Auto Start/Stop is a pretty controversial feature in vehicles. Most people prefer to keep this turned off.

This is where the Autostop Eliminator comes in, but it isn’t perfect either. Some common problems Autostop Eliminator users face are system reverting, not working with remotes and complicated setup.

The autostop button is almost a nuisance for most vehicle owners. Autostop Eliminator is the safest way of turning this feature off, but it isn’t bulletproof either. How bad can the problems get?

Here’s a detailed breakdown to give you an idea.

Common Problems With Autostop Eliminator That Users Face

Autostop Eliminator

The eliminator itself is divine work, let’s be honest here. It does its job and doesn’t break the bank (or fry your car system).

But the problem is, sometimes things can go a little out of pocket.

Most of the Autostop Eliminator issues are individual cases. They don’t reflect on the overall build quality of the mechanism.

But if you’re thinking of getting yourself one of these, you should know what you might possibly run into.

The most common Autostop Eliminator issues according to the users are the A.S.S system reverting, bad compatibility with remote starters, and complicated setup issues.

Let’s see how bad these issues can get.

  • The A.S.S Button Reverts to On Position

This is the most common issue with the Autostop Eliminator. And this can start messing with you right out of the box.

The Eliminator is supposed to turn the A.S.S button off, but if the ignition cycle is too fast it turns back on. Sometimes this persists even if the ignition cycle isn’t short.

The whole reason people get Autostop Eliminator is that it turns the feature off (or it is supposed to at least). But the whole point is nullified if the autostart feature gets enabled.

Unfortunately, it is very clearly stated that the feature can turn back on if the ignition cycle is too fast.

That means if you start and turn off your car fast enough, the A.S.S feature will turn back on. But that’s not just it, there’s more. Sometimes the Eliminator can’t differentiate between a long break and a short one.

So you might turn the engine off, spend a few minutes doing your thing and find the autostop feature turned on when you start the engine back.

What’s worse is that the fix for this is pretty hit-or-miss. You might get it fixed in one try, or it might take more.

If this happens, you’ll have to close your vehicle, open and close the door and reopen the vehicle.

Then you can get back in and restart your vehicle. If it doesn’t solve the issue, repeat it multiple times.

  • It Doesn’t Work Well with Remote Start

If you have a remote starter for your vehicle and you tend to use it regularly, the Eliminator can have “hiccups” and not work properly.

This doesn’t happen if you’re using a key. This is another issue that can start right out of the box.

Nobody knows why this happens but it does. If you have a remote starter (especially an aftermarket one) for your vehicle, the Autostop Eliminator doesn’t seem to work very smoothly.

You’ll see the autostart feature is on and worst of all, locked in that position. The feature can’t be turned off with the Eliminator still connected.

Auto Start Stop Eliminator

Similar issues don’t happen when the same vehicle is started with the keys.

A very odd issue, but not an uncommon one. Lots of Autostop Eliminator users complain about this.

The fix for this is vague too. Sometimes a quick fix works, sometimes you’ll have to replace the whole Eliminator.

If this happens, try resetting your vehicle.

Usually, that solves the locked feature issue. If the problem doesn’t go away, try to disconnect and reinstall the Autostop Eliminator.

If it still remains, you might need a new Eliminator for your vehicle.

  • The Installation Process Can Be Complicated

This depends a lot on your vehicle model and what tutorial you’re following. But overall, the process is more complicated than most people initially think.

Depending on your vehicle model, you might have to resize some wirings and that can get a little complicated.

Most Autostop Eliminators are simple plug-and-play mechanisms. The complication level depends on your vehicle model, but it still has the same principles.

Some car models need a little extra labor to get the connection going. This is especially true for trucks and bigger vehicles.

Other than that, most of the steps aren’t as easy as the tutorials make them look. Some parts refuse to open, some parts need extra care to not get broken.

So most of the time, you’ll need more time to get the Eliminator installed than you’d assume. But this is only if you can get the Autostop Eliminator for your car model.

Some vehicle models don’t have an Autostop Eliminator for them yet. In that case, you’ll have to get one in the closest model possible. Then you’ll have to DIY it to fit your vehicle.

You might need to trim some parts or use some extra wires. So the setup will get complicated compared to regular Autostop Eliminators.

Is Autostop Eliminator Worth It?

Most of the Autostop Eliminator problems are either vehicle-specific or user-specific. There aren’t many issues reported as manufacturing ones so the question remains. Is the Autostop Eliminator worth it?

Autostop Eliminator is the safest way of disabling the A.S.S button. Every other hack or shortcut you see has major risks involved, some of them can even void your vehicle warranty.

AutoStop Eliminator

Plus most of them are permanent, you can’t go back once you disable the A.S.S button.

Autostop Eliminator doesn’t have problems like this.

It is a plug-and-play mechanism, you can just plug it in and get going.

Since it doesn’t alter any programming or inner wiring, you won’t void your vehicle warranty.

Not just that, Autostop Eliminator is also more flexible compared to other solutions.

As you know now, most of the other hacks you see floating around are pretty permanent. You can’t go back once you disable the button.

But the Autostop Eliminator is more versatile. You can go back any time you want and enable the autostop feature.

Plus you won’t have to do complicated procedures if you decide you want the feature back. You can just unplug it and go back to the default settings.

Another good thing is, it doesn’t cost you a whole bank. The Autostop Eliminator is very affordable regardless of what model vehicle it is for.

So, is the Autostop Eliminator worth it? Yes, it is. If you want to turn your autostop feature off, feel free to give this a go.

Also Read: Comparing Blue-Top With RedHead Steering Box.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Here are a bunch of questions people usually ask about Autostop Eliminator in general.

Does Autostop Eliminator void warranty?

Autostop Eliminator doesn’t alter any internal base programming or wiring. So it doesn’t void vehicle warranty.

Can you permanently disable autostop?

Not without using any aftermarket device, no. You can use Autostop Eliminator to disable this feature for as long as you want.

How does Autostop Eliminator work?

Autostop Eliminator is like a memory device. It memorizes when you turn the feature off and reminds your vehicle computer to retain that choice.

Why is Ford removing auto start/stop?

Due to the chip shortage, Ford is letting go of multiple features including the auto start/stop.

Final Verdict

Autostop is a fairly controversial feature, but it has its moments. Autostop Eliminator is the safest way of disabling this feature for a long time.

If you’re getting yourself an Eliminator and want to know about possible Autostop Eliminator problems before buying it, this is a good list to start from.

2 thoughts on “Autostop Eliminator Problems And Is It Worth It?”

  1. Glenn,

    I designed the Autostop Eliminators. I appreciate you taking the time to write about our product, but unfortunately, you have a lot of bad information here, especially about the remote start. A company can make a perfect product and there will always be customers who either misunderstand how the product works or correlate unrelated problems to the product itself. You make it sound like there are a bunch of known issues with our products and that could not be further from the truth. Come to Fairmont, WV and demonstrate a single valid design issue where our device doesn’t work as advertised without using other aftermarket parts and I will hand you $1,000 cash. Prove ANY of our devices have a design issue that either causes it not to function with factory remote start or doesn’t allow the factory remote start to work properly, and I’ll give you $3,000. Please, try to take me up on that. I think you’ll find that much of what you stated about our devices and remote starts is completely incorrect.

    When customers contact us, we help them work through whatever they are experiencing. Aside from a handful of one-off defects over the years, there aren’t any true known issues. People can say whatever they want on forums, etc. We don’t try to police it because it’s not worth our time. If someone is having a real issue, they come to us and we help. Complaining on forums isn’t the right way to go about it because it’s the blind leading the blind. I guarantee our devices work perfectly with OEM remote starts and to my knowledge, there has never been a confirmed case of our device not working with an aftermarket remote start. In every case where we’ve worked with customers, it was the aftermarket remote start not working, not our device. There isn’t much we can do to prevent that. Our device worked and continued to work when coexisting with the aftermarket remote starts.

    I would appreciate it if you’d take a moment to reword your article to make things a little fairer. If you know of a real problem, please, prove it to us and I’ll make good on my wagers.

  2. Great insights! I’ve been considering the Autostop Eliminator for my vehicle, but I’m a bit concerned about the potential issues you mentioned. It’s good to know what to watch out for. Thanks for sharing your experiences!

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