Explanar Vs. PlaneSwing: Choosing The Right Swing Plane Trainer

Golf swing plane trainers have become popular training aids for golfers looking to improve their swing path and consistency. Two of the most well-known swing plane training products are the Explanar and PlaneSwing.

But with different features and price points, how do you know which one is right for your swing?

This article will compare the key aspects of Explanar and PlaneSwing to help you decide which golf swing plane trainer best fits your needs and budget.

A Brief Comparison Table

Here is a quick final recap of the key differences between Explanar and PlaneSwing golf swing plane trainers:

Adjustable AnglesYesNo
Feedback TypeTactileVisual app
Size/StorageLarge footprintCompact foldable
Swing AnalysisMuscle memoryMetrics on app
Use on CourseNoYes

For golfers wanting a premium, customizable swing plane trainer, Explanar is likely the better choice despite the higher price tag. The ability to adjust the angle to match your swing gives Explanar an advantage in adaptability.

PlaneSwing offers greater portability and visual feedback at a lower cost. But with just one set angle, it lacks the level of customization provided by the Explanar’s adjustable slots.

It comes down to your personal preferences and budget. Do you want real-time visual feedback or adjustable slots? Is portability or customization more important? Answering these questions will help determine which swing plane trainer is right for your practice needs.

What Is A Golf Swing Plane Trainer?

Explanar plane trainer

A golf swing plane trainer is a training aid that helps golfers build a consistent on-plane golf swing.

It does this by providing tactile feedback when the club is swung on the proper plane angle for an ideal swing path. This muscle memory then translates on the course.

Swing plane trainers have a guide slot that your club slides through during the swing. When swung on plane, the shaft will brush against the sides of the slot.

But if your swing plane is too steep or too flat, the club will hit against the top or bottom of the guide.

This instant feedback trains your body to find the correct plane angle for powerful, accurate shotmaking.

Mastering an on-plane golf swing is critical for both power and consistency. A poor swing plane is a leading cause of wayward shots and frustration on the course. That’s why more and more golfers are turning to swing plane trainers as part of their practice routine.

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Key Differences Between Explanar and PlaneSwing

While Explanar and PlaneSwing aim to achieve the same goal of an on-plane golf swing, they go about it in different ways. Here are the key differences between these two popular swing plane training aids:


  • Explanar has multiple slots allowing users to adjust the swing plane angle from upright to flat. PlaneSwing only has one set angle.


  • PlaneSwing is lightweight and collapsible, designed for easy portability. Explanar is bulkier and not collapsible.

Training Approach

  • Explanar focuses on reinforcing muscle memory through repetitive motion. PlaneSwing uses an optical sensor to provide real-time visual feedback.


  • PlaneSwing costs significantly less than Explanar. Entry-level PlaneSwing is under $200, while Explanar starts around $500.


  • PlaneSwing folds up into a compact size for storage. Explanar is larger and needs more storage space.

As you can see, there are some clear differences that may make one product a better choice over the other depending on your needs and preferences. Now let’s dive deeper into the specifics of Explanar and PlaneSwing.

Explanar Golf Swing Plane Trainer

Explanar has been around since the early 1990s and is a widely used swing plane training aid on professional golf tours. It features a patented design with guide slots set at various angles to train different swing planes.

Here are the key features of the Explanar golf swing plane trainer:

  • Adjustable swing angles – Explanar offers multiple slots at different angles (upright, neutral, flat) for dialing in your personal ideal plane.
  • Robust steel construction – Built from sturdy steel, Explanar provides strength and stability during your swing practice.
  • Gyroscopic resistance – Adds resistance to your swing to build swing plane muscle memory.
  • Variety of models – Ranges from compact tabletop size to large free-standing floor models.
  • Used by touring pros – Trusted on professional tours for over 25 years.

The Explanar’s adjustability is a major advantage. Golfers can customize the angle to match their natural swing plane, biomechanics and physical capabilities.

If your swing gets too upright or flat over time, you can tweak the slot angles to get back on plane.

The gyroscopic resistance also engages more muscles to learn the proper motion. Explanar claims you can build swing plane “muscle memory” up to 10x faster than just making normal practice swings.

For downsides, Explanar has a large footprint and higher price tag compared to other options. But for golfers serious about ingraining an on-plane swing, the Explanar is a popular choice.

PlaneSwing Golf Swing Plane Trainer

PlaneSwing is a newer, more budget-friendly swing plane training aid alternative. Instead of adjustable slots, PlaneSwing uses optical sensors to provide instant visual feedback on your swing plane.

Here are the key features of the PlaneSwing golf swing plane trainer:

  • Real-time visual feedback – Optical sensors display swing plane angle on digital display.
  • Portable design – Lightweight, folds up for easy portability.
  • Single swing angle – Set plane angle instead of adjustable slots.
  • Lower price – More affordable price point under $200.
  • Training app – Syncs with app to track swing plane progress.

PlaneSwing recently upgraded their original model to the PlaneSwing Pro. This newer version connects to your mobile device via Bluetooth. As you swing, it displays your swing plane angle in real-time on the app screen.

This instant visual feedback helps you make adjustments mid-swing rather than waiting until after your swing. The app also tracks your swing plane consistency over time, letting you monitor progress.

While PlaneSwing only has one set swing angle, it still guides your motion into the proper plane. The compact size also makes it easy to set up anywhere and store away after practicing.

For golfers on a budget or wanting real-time feedback, PlaneSwing provides an affordable on-plane training option. But the lack of adjustability limits customization to your natural swing.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Still trying to decide between Explanar and PlaneSwing? Here are answers to some frequently asked questions golfers have about swing plane trainers:

Are swing plane trainers worth it?

For golfers seeking more swing consistency, a swing plane trainer can definitely be worth the investment. The instant feedback helps develop better motor patterns to shallow out a too-steep swing or flatten out an overly flat plane. Just be sure the trainer fits your budget and needs.

Does the swing plane trainer work?

When used properly and consistently, a swing plane trainer absolutely works to improve swing consistency. The feedback trains your muscles to return the club to the proper plane. But don’t expect miracles after just a few swings. You must stick with the training to ingrain the right motions.

How do you use an explanar in golf?

Using an Explanar is easy:
1. Adjust the slot to your ideal plane angle.
2. Take your normal golf grip and stance.
3. Swing the club back and through the slot with smooth motion and tempo.
4. Let the club brush the edges to guide your swing plane.
5. Don’t manipulate or steer the club – allow it to move freely on plane.
6. Start with short swings then progress to fuller swings once you find the slot.

What should my V plane be?

The ideal V plane angle can vary based on factors like your height and hand measurements. Generally, taller golfers will have a more upright V plane around 45 degrees from vertical. Shorter players usually work best with a flatter plane closer to 35 degrees.

Final Thoughts

Mastering your swing plane is one of the keys to consistent, powerful golf shots. Products like Explanar and PlaneSwing provide invaluable feedback to help improve your swing path. Determining which trainer fits into your practice routine and budget comes down to your specific needs and preferences as a golfer.

With the knowledge from this comparison, you can decide if the adjustable Explanar or visual feedback of PlaneSwing is the right golf swing plane trainer for you.

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