Johnson Window Films Vs. 3M Window Tint: Which One To Pick?

When choosing films for window tinting, it can be easy to differentiate them if you see and touch them physically. Still, knowing which film to take can take much work. This guide will give an In-depth comparison of Johnson window films vs. 3M window tints.

In overview, Johnson windows films are hand customized while 3M films are machine cut. Other differences between the two are discussed below:

A Quick Comparison Table

SpecificationsJohnson Window Films3M Window Films
AppearanceThe visible tint might be a bother.A clear tint that enhances the appearance of your space
Safety and SecurityThe film is engineered to improve safety, security, and comfort.Improved security and safety
UV-Light protectionThere is a silverish tintInvisible tint
Energy EfficiencyIt offers enough energy conservationAre more energy efficient
DurabilityScratches EasilyThey are Scratch-proof
PriceCheaper than 3MA bit more costly than Johnson

Key Differences Between Johnson Window Films And 3m Window Tint

  • UV Light Protection
3M Tint
3M Tint

Although both Johnson windows and 3M Window promise that their films offer UV light and infrared protection, the quality of the tint differs.

3M Window film offers invisible UV light and infrared protection.

This means you will still enjoy the sunlight since the tint is invisible.

The natural light you will be experiencing is filtered from all the harmful sun rays.

Johnson’s films promise that their products offer 100% UV-light protection and other skin cancer-causing sun rays.

Although this is the case, Johnson’s film’s tint is visible during the daytime. The tint appears in a silverish hue.

Also Read: Differences Between Global And 3M Window Films.

  • Energy Efficiency

When looking for window tint for your home, you want a film that will maintain the natural flow of temperatures. However, you want a film that helps balance the temperatures inside and outside.

For starters, Johnson windows tints are into the environment. All their product is ‘go green,’ meaning they are made using legally produced materials. Most of Johnsons’ products can receive a LEED certification. This window helps you save on energy and reduce the utility bill.

3M window tints offer 90% heat retention during cold seasons and help block heat from entering the house during the hot season. The tint protection helps to reduce your utility bills regardless of the climate zone you are living in. These windows qualify for LEED certification in all states.

  • Sunlight Vs. Iridescent Tint

Johnson Window Films use iridescent technology to let the color in the window when it’s dark outside. The result is an even tint that looks like normal light and won’t look out of place in an interior design.

3M Window Tints have a clear, uniform tint of a single color. The tint is a shade of white and does not distort the view through the window.

 3M window tint is perfect for reducing heat and blocking sunlight from entering your house. This tint also makes it look like you live in an open-concept space. In addition, it helps reduce glare and light pollution while also blocking UV rays that can cause skin cancer

  • Safety And Security

3M Window film can hold broken windows together in case of a bomb blast, break-in, or a natural disaster. This helps prevent the shattered glass from flying everywhere.

The window film does not tear faster. This would help hold an intruder for about 2 minutes. The film is also engineered to protect the users from harmful UV light and heat, or cold.

Johnson window film tints are also strong enough to hold the broken glass for about 2 minutes. The film protects the UV and infrared light from entering the building or the car.

  • Appearance
Johnson Window Film
Johnson Window Film

A film should also protect while also enhancing the appearance of the space they are being used on.

Johnson window films offer the best protection against UV light and infrared.

However, the silverish visible tint beats the aesthetic part of it if you are okay with the tint.

3M window film tints offer invisible protection against UV light and infrared.

The tint creates an expensive cut, etched, or sandblasted glass look. This enhances your space. 

When it comes to perfection, 3M window film tints bag this. The customization and cutting of this film are done using a computer, while Johnson window films are cut using hands. The window film cut through hands may have some imperfections.

  • Usage

Storefronts, public places, schools, banks, and other public service establishments must follow the window tinting regulations. 3M Window film helps safeguard people from different types of dangers that lurk out there. In addition, it also improves productivity.

Johnson Window Film is the right choice for your car or truck. It is a strong and durable tint that protects your vehicle from outside elements such as UV rays and infrared light.

  • Availability

3M Window film is available in different thicknesses and can be used for all buildings or apartments. It also comes in different styles, such as transparent or reflective tints, opaque colors, and custom colors.

Johnson Window Tint is also available for all commercial, residential, and automotive use. They offer a wide range of colors to match your style and the purpose of your building or vehicle.

  • Durability
3M Window Tint

Both Johnson and 3M window films are made to last longer.

Johnson promises that their products can resist bomb blasts, Earthquakes, and windstorms.

The window film is painted using the Johnson paint protection to add to the film’s durability. However, they scratch easily.

3M Windows films are made with the effectiveness of glass to create a protective, long-lasting film.

3M film has increased fade and scratch protection. This window film is protected from heat and cold spots.

  • Price

Comparing the cost of buying and installing these two films, Johnsons’ window film tint is cheaper compared to 3M. Johnsons also offer a warranty of three years to a lifetime warranty depending on the dealer.

3M window film tints have additional features that make them more expensive than Johnson window film tints.

Which Window Films Is Better?

Based on what the two window films offer, 3M window tint wins in almost all categories. The window film is energy efficient, enhances your space’s appearance, increases users’ comfort, and is durable enough.

The big issue is that they are costly compared to Johnson window films.

Johnson window films are affordable; however, the visible silverish tint might be a deal breaker to some people.

Also Read: 3M Window Tint Or Rayno Window Film?

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Which Film Is Best for Window Tinting?

There are several good window tinting films in the market. Moto-shield and Lexen are the brands that produce the best film for window tinting.

Which Glass Film is Best?

Based on useability, function, quality, and privacy, Coavas Frosted Privacy window film is considered the best glass film in the market.

What Is the Best Grade for Windows?

Premium grade windows are the best window grade any manufacturer can offer. Premium grade windows are customizable into the color, style, or glass used on the windows. These windows usually come with a 20-year to a lifetime warranty.

Is 3M Window Tint Good Quality?

3M windows provide invisible protection from infrared light and better UV protection than most window tints.


Choosing the proper window film for your automotive or building doesn’t have to be complicated. You have to know which properties to look for in a window Tint. The comparison of Johnson window films and 3M window tints offer a deep comparison between the two window films.

From the guide, both window films offer improved weather protection, safety, and comfort. However, 3M window tint films are slightly more costly than Johnson windows.

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