Evenflo Pivot Vs. Chicco Bravo Car Seat For Your Family

As a parent, one of the most important gear purchases you’ll make is deciding on a car seat. A good car seat keeps your child safe and comfortable on the go. Two popular options to consider are the Evenflo Pivot and Chicco Bravo.

But how do you choose between them?

I’ve tested and reviewed both car seats extensively. In this comprehensive guide, I’ll compare the Evenflo Pivot and Chicco Bravo across a range of factors to help you determine the best one for your family.

A Brief Comparison Table

FeatureEvenflo PivotChicco Bravo
Rear-facing weight limit4-35 lbs4-30 lbs
Forward-facing weight limit22-65 lbs22-65 lbs
Height limit50 in57 in
InstallationRatcheting LATCH, lock-offsSuperCinch LATCH
Recline positionsMultiple2 positions
Convenience featuresFront harness adjust, mesh panelBubble levels, cup holders
Safety featuresAnti-rebound barLoad leg
FAA approvedNoYes
Washable seat padYesYes
Expires after6 years7 years

Evenflo Pivot Overview

The Evenflo Pivot is a modular car seat with impressive versatility. It can be configured as an infant car seat, convertible car seat, or travel system.

Some key features and benefits of the Pivot include:

Evenflo Pivot Car Seat
Evenflo Pivot Car Seat
  • SafeZone Base – The base has a steel anti-rebound bar for added protection in the event of an accident. It has 4 positions for proper angle installation.
  • Infant Car Seat – Can be used safely for babies from 4-35 pounds in rear-facing mode. Has a stay-in-car base.
  • Convertible Car Seat – Converts to forward-facing mode for toddlers 22-65 pounds. Can be used up to 6 years.
  • Travel System – Works with Evenflo strollers to create a travel system for on-the-go convenience.
  • RapidLock Install – Streamlined installation with LATCH connectors that attach ratcheting system.
  • Simply Safe Adjust Harness System – No-rethread harness adjusts easily at the front as your child grows.
  • Multiple Recline Positions – Adjustable recline for comfort. Upright for toddlers.
  • Machine Washable Pad – Pad comes off and is washing machine safe for easy cleaning.

The full specs of the Evenflo Pivot are:

  • Rear-facing 4-35 pounds
  • Forward-facing 22-65 pounds
  • Up to 50 inches tall
  • Expiration: 6 years from manufacture date

Overall, the Evenflo Pivot is a versatile modular car seat with excellent safety features. It accommodates children from infancy through the toddler years.

Chicco Bravo Overview

The Chicco Bravo is another modular car seat with three modes of use. Like the Pivot, it can work as an infant car seat, convertible car seat, and travel system.

Some key features and benefits of the Bravo include:

Chicco Bravo Trio Travel System
  • KeyFit 30 Infant Car Seat – Designed for infants 4-30 lbs and up to 30 inches. Features newborn inserts and a stay-in-car base.
  • Toddler Mode – Converts to forward-facing for toddlers 22-65 pounds. Used up to 6 years.
  • Travel System Capability – Attaches to Chicco strollers to create a travel system.
  • SuperCinch LATCH – Pull-tight LATCH system for secure one-pull installation.
  • Bubble Level Indicators – For accurate recline installation in rear-facing and forward-facing modes.
  • Machine Washable Seat Pad – Cushion padding is removable and washing machine safe.
  • Integrated Cup Holders – Built-in cup holders keep drinks within reach.

The full specs of the Chicco Bravo are:

  • Rear-facing 4-30 pounds
  • Forward-facing 22-65 pounds
  • Up to 57 inches tall
  • Expiration: 7 years from manufacture date

In summary, the Chicco Bravo is a long-lasting 3-in-1 car seat with user-friendly features. It works from infancy through the early school years.

Evenflo Pivot And Chicco Bravo: In-Depth Comparison

Now that we’ve reviewed the Evenflo Pivot and Chicco Bravo individually, let’s compare them across some key factors:


When it comes to safety, both the Evenflo Pivot and Chicco Bravo offer excellent protection. They each have energy-absorbing foam and side impact protection.

A few differences:

  • The Pivot has a steel anti-rebound bar on its base. This adds safety in a rear-end collision by preventing rebound. The Bravo does not have this feature.
  • The Bravo has a “load leg” on its base which helps stabilize and reduce rotation in a crash. The Pivot does not have this.
  • Installation with LATCH: The Bravo uses the SuperCinch system for a very secure install with LATCH. The Pivot has a good ratcheting system, but the SuperCinch makes it a little easier and tighter.

Overall, safety is quite comparable between the two. The anti-rebound and load leg features are both good to have. I’d give a slight edge to the Chicco Bravo for its very easy LATCH installation.

Comfort & Convenience

Both seats have features that make them comfortable for kids and convenient for parents.

The Evenflo Pivot has thick padding and multiple recline positions. The upright position is good for older toddlers. It stays cooler since it sits directly behind vehicle seats rather than being suspended up on a base.

The Chicco Bravo also has plush padding. It only reclines in two positions depending on mode. But it has a spring-loaded leveling foot that helps achieve the proper install angle. The Bravo sits up higher on its base which can improve comfort and visibility for some kids.

For convenience, both convert easily to travel systems. Their machine washable seat pads are handy for cleanups. The Bravo does have the edge for parent conveniences like the bubble level indicators and integrated cup holders.

Overall for comfort and convenience, I would rate the Chicco Bravo slightly higher than the Evenflo Pivot.

Weight Limits

In rear-facing mode, the Evenflo Pivot accommodates babies from 4-35 pounds, while the Chicco Bravo is rated from 4-30 pounds.

In forward-facing mode, both have the same weight range of 22-65 pounds.

The Pivot has an advantage for larger babies, with a 5 pound higher maximum rear-facing weight limit. However, both adhere to the American Academy of Pediatrics recommendation to keep kids rear-facing until at least 2 years old.

Dimensions & Installation

  • Evenflo Pivot dimensions: 28 x 19.5 x 25 inches
  • Chicco Bravo dimensions: 21 x 19 x 29 inches

The Bravo has a taller shell size, while the Pivot takes up slightly more front-to-back space when rear-facing. Depending on your vehicle, one may fit better than the other in tight spaces.

For installation, the Chicco Bravo gets the edge again thanks to the SuperCinch LATCH system. It makes proper install a breeze. The Pivot still installs securely with its Ratcheting LATCH and lock-offs, just not quite as seamlessly.

Additional Features

A few extra features to compare:

  • The Evenflo Pivot has an expandable mesh panel that extends the size to accommodate growing kids.
  • The Chicco Bravo has wider external cup holders which can fit larger kid’s cups and bottles.
  • The Pivot harness adjusts from the front while the Bravo’s harness adjusts from the back. Front adjust can be easier to reach when rear-facing.

Both car seats have removable and machine washable seat pads. They are free of flame retardant chemicals.

Overall the additional features are pretty similar between the two seats. The mesh panel and front harness on the Pivot are nice, but the cup holders and taller shell of the Bravo are also handy.


The Evenflo Pivot typically retails around $229.99 for the full travel system with base. The Chicco Bravo travel system costs around $379.99.

The Pivot is the more budget-friendly option of the two by a significant margin. The Bravo does cost quite a bit more, but it’s worth it for the easier install and premium brand reputation.

Which Should You Choose: Evenflo Pivot or Chicco Bravo?

Based on this detailed comparison, here are my recommendations on which car seat is best for your family:

Evenflo Pivot Modular Car Seat
Evenflo Pivot Modular Car Seat
  • If you’re on a tight budget, the Evenflo Pivot gives you versatility and safety for much less. It’s the best value.
  • If you prioritize absolute ease of proper install, the Chicco Bravo SuperCinch system can’t be beat. It takes the frustration out of car seat setup.
  • For larger rear-facing babies, the Pivot accommodates up to 35 pounds in rear mode. Go with the Bravo for smaller infants.
  • The more upright design of the Pivot can be better for older toddlers. If you need just an infant seat or convertible seat, the Bravo may be a better choice over using as a travel system.
  • Both are great modular options. Pick the Evenflo Pivot for budget-conscious families who don’t mind a little extra effort installing. The Chicco Bravo is ideal for those who want premium quality and seamless use right out of the box.

Whichever you choose, rest assured that the Evenflo Pivot and Chicco Bravo are both well-made, safe options for your growing child. With either car seat, you can feel confident your baby or toddler is protected on the road.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Is the Evenflo Pivot car seat safe?

Yes, the Evenflo Pivot is a very safe car seat. It meets or exceeds all applicable US safety standards. The SafeZone base has a steel anti-rebound bar for rear crash protection. The seat features side impact protection, energy-absorbing foam, and a 5-point harness system to properly secure your child. Installation is also safe and secure with the LATCH connectors and lock-offs. While any car seat has risks, parents can feel comfortable with the safety testing and engineering behind the Evenflo Pivot.

Is the Evenflo pivot FAA approved?

No, unfortunately the Evenflo Pivot is not FAA approved for use on airplanes. This is because it does not have an internal harness adjustment system accessible when rear-facing, which is an FAA requirement. The Pivot does allow extended rear-facing use up to 35 pounds, but must be used without the base for airplane travel. While not specifically FAA approved, the Pivot can still be an appropriate car seat choice if you travel by air frequently.

Is Evenflo a good stroller brand?

Evenflo makes quality, affordable strollers that offer good value. Their strollers range from basic lightweight umbrellas to full-featured options with extras like storage, canopies, and travel systems. Evenflo strollers typically cost less than higher-end brands. They may lack some bells and whistles, but provide good functionality. Evenflo travel systems that allow the car seat to click into the stroller are very convenient for parents. Evenflo is also a trusted brand that has been around for decades. So yes, Evenflo is typically a good stroller brand choice especially for budget-conscious families.

What age is Evenflo pivot for?

The Evenflo Pivot can accommodate children from birth through approximately age 6. Here are the age recommendations:
1. Rear-facing from 4-35 pounds (birth until at least age 2)
2. Forward-facing from 22-65 pounds (age 2 up to age 6 years)
3. Always keep children rear-facing as long as possible, until they exceed the rear-facing height and weight limits. Once your child outgrows the rear-facing limits, you can convert the Pivot to forward-facing mode. So the Pivot is designed for babies and toddlers, roughly from birth through age 6 depending on your child’s growth.

Closing Remarks

Making the choice between the Evenflo Pivot and Chicco Bravo car seats ultimately comes down to your family’s needs and budget.

Both are excellent modular seats with high safety ratings and convenient features. The Pivot offers great value and extended rear-facing capacity, while the Bravo is known for ease of use and premium quality.

Carefully weighing the pros and cons will help you decide which one is right for your precious cargo. Whichever seat you pick, focus on proper install and usage to give your child the safest ride possible.

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